General Description
Nobody knows whether the White Knight Cichlid is a genuine variation of the common Electric Blue or if it is an entirely new species created by humans.
White Knight Cichlid is a cichlid that lives in the Lake Malawi, Africa. It inhabits all types of habitats as long as there are rocks in the environment. Sciaenochromis fryeri is a cichlid that can be found all around the lake. This color variant, on the other hand, is a breeding form of Sciaenochromis fryeri, which does not exist in the lake as a wild species. The most common name for this species is “snow-white,” but it is also known as “white-knight” on occasion.
Males of White Knight Cichlid can grow to be 16 cm/6.3 inch in length in the lake. When they receive adequate nutrition, they can grow to be much taller in the aquarium. Males can reach a height of approximately 20 cm/8inch, while females can reach a height of approximately 14 cm/5.5 inch.
Unlike normal electric blues, the White Night juvenile has a very pale, almost albino appearance throughout its body, in contrast to the normal electric blue. The male will develop an amazing metallic sky-blue colour that will cover his entire body during the course of its development. Also, the males change their colour to an Ice electric blue depending on the food you provide them. Females and juveniles are almost always white in colour. The white nights produce the most amazing contrast in your aquarium, and when illuminated by LED moonlight, they appear to almost glow.
Brief Summary
Scientific name: Sciaenochromis Fryeri
Common Name: White Knight
Family: Cichlid
Origin: Lake Malawi, Africa
Care Level: Easy
Duration of life: Approximately ten years
Diet: Omnivore
Tank Size: 350L
Water Temperature: Tropical 24 – 28°C/ 75 – 82°F
pH: 7.2 – 8.6
Water Type: Hard Alkaline
Breed Type: Mouth brooder
Adult Size: Can grow up to 20 cm/8 inch
Aggressiveness: Semi-Aggressive
Compatibility: Victorian Haps, Malawi Haps, Malawi Peacocks, Synodontis
Tank Mate Options: Aulonocara baenschi Sunshine/Yellow Benga, Copadichromis borleyi “Red Fin”, Mdoka White Lip
White Knight Cichlid Tank Requirements
White Knight Cichlids are a highly territorial and aggressive species, when it comes to defending females. That’s why, they require a large swimming space to make it possible for a community to survive and prosper. So, it is recommended to have a tank with at least 350 litres of capacity. The provision of rocks and other hiding areas is possible. However, they traditionally avoid the rocks due to a fear of Mbunas, such as the Cobalt Blue Zebra or the Red Zebra. On the other hand, the White Knight Cichlid, can hold their own against Mbunas. Small or no amounts of gravel should be present in the tank. These fish are fond of plants, but will destroy them if given the chance.
We highly recommend for this species to having a group of more than ten Haplochromis or Peacock Catfish. It is not recommended to group male White Knight Cichlid together unless they have adequate hiding areas from one another. A single male in a group of two or three females is quite effective.
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White Knight Cichlids are relatively peaceful fish, and they make excellent tankmates for Peacocks and Haps in particular. Also, these fish make good tank mates with Synodontis Catfish. We recommend to mix fish from Lake Malawi, and to always choose fish that are of similar size.
The best way to keep this species is in a large tank with plenty of swimming space, preferably with multiple females.
These are inhabitants that can coexist with a wide range of species, including Mbunas, in a single enclosure. Several Haplochromis cichlids, such as the Blue Dolphin, Venustus, Malawi Eye Biter, and Red Finned Borleyi, are compatible with White Knight Cichlid s.
White Knight Cichlid Feeding
White Knight Cichlid primarily feed on young mbunas in the lake, which they catch themselves. Since they are in an aquarium, and they don’t have access to wild fish, they will accept any food without question. It includes spirulina pellets, mysis, artemia, cyclops, and shrimp-peas mix.
We do not recommend to feed them live worms, beefheart, or live brine shrimp because these can cause the fish to bloat and die.
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White Knight Cichlid Breeding
Breeding White Knight Cichlid is a relatively simple process. Eggs are fertilized externally before being picked up by the female and placed in her mouth for a period of approximately two weeks. During this time, they will hatch. Because of this protection, it is simple to breed them in a communal tank. Just before she releases the brood, separate the female from the rest of the group.
Is the White Knight Cichlidfor you? If you like a beautifully pearly white fish with a little bit of attitude that is relatively easy to keep, then go ahead! Visit your local pet store and see if they have any in stock, which they most likely will. Cichlids are quite common in pet stores, and are quite cheap as well. If this sounds like a fish you’d like, then stop reading this post, get into your car, and go get one!